Surface: 74m2
Arranging this apartment was pure pleasure. I immediately felt full understanding with my clients and the amount of trust they placed in me. The living area is a living room connected to the kitchen - here it was a great idea to give up the hanging cabinets, thanks to which the kitchen became optically lighter and the room more spacious. The architecture of the Botanica estate includes vertical formwork, which I used in the interior on a wall with a TV set, so that I want to continue the architectural thought of the building.

The narrow corridor has been optically widened by using a mirror on one of the walls. In addition, I hung a custom-made painting on the counter-wall, thanks to this procedure, after entering the apartment, you can see the reflection in the mirror, which gives an interesting effect. The colors in the apartment have been designed in subdued colors, based on; grays, browns and whites. A few additions break the whole thing by introducing an element of livening up the arrangement. Photos : Krzysztof Rudek - Fotorialist